Museum Pass: 9/11 History Museum In Stock Now

Using this pass entitles you to:
  • 2 adults admission and 2 children
  • Complimentary audio guides
  • 20% discount in the Museum Store
  • No advanced reservations required

The 9/11 Memorial is the plaza located at the site of the former Twin Towers. The memorial was built to commemorate the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the World Trade Center bombing of 1993, which killed six. It features two enormous waterfalls and reflecting pools, each about an acre in size, set within the footprints of the original Twin Towers. The design evokes a sense of hope and renewal and creates a contemplative space separate from the usual sights and sounds of a bustling metropolis.
Visit 110,000 square feet of space beneath the Memorial and learn what happened on 9/11, what led to the attacks, and how the day continues to shape our world while honoring the victims and how they lived.

Museums are subject to their own rules and requirements and may ask you to schedule a visit before you arrive. Double check any requirements on    their website  ,  view their rules, and plan your visit!

Most Museum Passes can be checked out for 4 days. If you need more time, please contact to see if we can extend your loan!